“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Research Paper Designing and Preliminary Validation of an Azerbaijani-Turkish Grammar Comprehension Test for 4-6 Years Old Children FF Gharamaleki, A Darouie, A Ebadi, T Zarifian… … to evaluate the Azerbaijani language grammar comprehension in Iran. The present study aims to design the Azerbaijani language grammar … Conclusion The Azerbaijani language grammar comprehension test has […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] TYPES OF NOMINAL COMBINATIONS IN THE LANGUAGE OF “CODEX CUMANICUS” L Rasulova … , unlike the Azerbaijani language, this situation can be observed even in the first person singular. While in the Azerbaijani language (as … attributive word combinations: As we know, part of the word groups included in nominal …   This message was […]

azerbaijani spelling – new results

[PDF] Study of ΔF508 mutation by genetic panel method in Azerbaijan population A Salimova, N Mammadova, L Huseynova – Scientific Collection «InterConf», 2024 … The letters in the gene also spell out a “stop” signal that lets the cell know that it has reached the end of the instructions and can stop … Taking into account […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] LANGUAGE AND STYLE FEATURES IN KHALIFA AJIZ'S “DIVAN” A Mammadova – MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN, 2023 … In order to reflect the perfection of the Azerbaijani language and the richness of shades of meaning in his poems, Ajiz skillfully used the … work used the words that cover the vocabulary of the Azerbaijani language, as well […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] PROFESSION PHRASEOLOGY IN THE AZERBAIJAN LANGUAGE AND THE PLACE OF CULINARY PHRASEOLOGY AMONG THEM MT Almaz – ВЧЕНІ ЗАПИСКИ … In this article, the profession-specialty phraseology of the Azerbaijani language is reviewed. The place of culinary phraseology within the profession-specialty phraseology is determined. The article deals only with profession-specialty …   This message was sent by […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Problems of Assimilation of Borrowings Belonging to Different Language Families SA Mahmudova – Path of Science, 2023 … qısa lüğəti” (A concise dictionary of the Arabic and Persian words in the literary Azerbaijani language (Bakı, ADU nəşriyyatı, 1960). … The word “mil” is also used as a measure of length in some dialects of the […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Logical-semantic communication forms in dialogical texts in the Azerbaijani and English languages SK Mammadli – Universidad y Sociedad, 2024 … The construction and connectedness of the text in the Azerbaijani language is possible with the help of special expressions in the language. For example. … Theoretical problems of Azerbaijani language syntax. Maarif Publishing … [PDF] […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] EXPERİMENTAL ANALYSİS OF VOWELS AND CONSONANTS İN THE GERMAN SPEECH OF AZERBAİJANİ BİLİNGUALS A Sobor – Collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA», 2024 … It is known that, unlike Indo-European languages, in the Azerbaijani language, a combination of consonants in the composition of a word, or rather an accumulation of several consonants in one syllable, do […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] POLITICS OF YOUTH IN AZERBAIJAN (2003-2018) S Şentürk – 2024 This thesis explores the impact of the regime policies of Azerbaijan on the perceptions of politics of young people in Azerbaijan, focusing on the experiences of undergraduate students. Through a generational lens, the study examines how …   This message was sent by Google Scholar […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Developing Speech Recognition Technology Based on NLP for Emergency Call Centers G Nikkath, O Ramesh, N Ramesh, A Kumar, BP Yadav… … The recognition of conversations in the Azerbaijani language was not, meanwhile, done using such techniques. We haven’t even seen other methodology will be used, such as the various labelling methods, since the […]

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