azerbaijani “natural language processing” – new results

[PDF] Integrated End-to-End automatic speech recognition for languages for agglutinative languages A Bekarystankyzy, O Mamyrbayev, T Anarbekova – ACM Transactions on Asian and …, 2024 … necessary to conduct a comparative study of agglutinative (Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turkish and Azerbaijani) languages and create their own … The most advanced technologies today use natural language processing as language […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] ON THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENCE OF ASPECTUAL FORMS IN ENGLISH ANd AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGES RM Asadova – ВЧЕНІ ЗАПИСКИ … aspects of verb in the Azerbaijani language in ZI Aliyeva’s 1953 candidate thesis” The category of aspect in the Azerbaijani language“.” ZI … After ZI Aliyeva, we come across verb forms in the Azerbaijani […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Development points of the derivation process related to Nakhchivan dialects and accents (based on written and oral literary and artistic examples) Z Ismayil – Forum for Linguistic Studies, 2024 … In this sense, modern Azerbaijani language does not have a productive suffix in our current literary language, the presence of words used … The examples […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] THE INFLUENCE OF I. NASIMI'S RELIGIOUS-EDUCATIONAL AND ETHICAL-DIDACTIC VIEWS ON THE FORMATION OF PERSONALITY IN STUDENTS AH NAZAROVA – АКТУАЛЬНI ПИТАННЯ ГУМАНIТАРНИХ НАУК, 2024 … The pedagogy of Azerbaijani language and literature holds strategic importance, addressing pivotal issues. Through these disciplines, the … of the Azerbaijani language and literature. Certainly, there were personalities who wrote […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] WORD FORMATION PROCESS THROUGH METAPHORIZATION IN MODERN AZERBAIJANI ARTISTIC LANGUAGE R Aliyeva – Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, 2024 … creation of words in Azerbaijani language, their development from polysemanticity (… Metaphors used in all styles of Azerbaijani language are called universal metaphors. Some … Epithet – Epithet is one of the means […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[HTML] IN THE SCIENTIFIC WORK OF PROFESSOR HASAN MIRZAYEV, NON-DEGRADABLE FORMS OF THE VERB VERB-ADJECTIVE SSO Zeynalov – Endless light in science, 2024 … In the article, the research work of the doctor of philology, professor Hasan Mirzayev on verb adjectives, which is the main section of the grammar of the Azerbaijani language, and the latest […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Analyzing and Addressing the Common Grammatical Errors in English Language Learning: A Case Study of Azerbaijani University Students Ö Məmmədova – Web of Semantics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, 2024 … This study explores the common grammatical errors made by Azerbaijani learners of English, with particular attention to the impact of Azerbaijani language structures and learning […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

THE STYLISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF FIXED COMBINATIONS WITH THE COMPONENTS “FRIEND” AND “ENEMY” ААK BAKHHALIYEVA … The literal equivalent of this idiom is also used in the Azerbaijani language. “A good friend is recog-nized on a bad day” – “Yaxşı dost pis … of the Azerbaijani language. Each fixed expression in our speech has a stylistic […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[HTML] THE IMPERATIVE SENTENCE IS A VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE FOR THE SYNTACTIC SYSTEM OF THE AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGE ZIG Abbasova – Endless light in science, 2024 … One of the most important tasks facing the syntactic system of the Azerbaijani language is the study of the complex structures of the command sentence in speech. The complex structures […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[HTML] HOMONYMY OF ANCIENT TURKISH WORDS IN AZERBAIJANI DIALECTS RNG Kahramanova – Endless light in science, 2024 … The homonymy of ancient Turkish words has strongly preserved its semantic shades in the dialect areas of the Azerbaijani language, and … Julfa, Kalbajar, Lachin, Kurdamir dialects of the modern Azerbaijani language, with the first meaning … Interrelations of […]

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