“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] GRAMMATİCAL FEATURES OF THE GANJA DİALECT OF THE AZERBAİJANİ LANGUAGE G Jafarova – ECONOMIC SCIENCES … Abstract The syntactic structure of the Azerbaijani language emerged concurrently with the development of Turkish oral speech and has continued … The historical roots of the Azerbaijani language's syntactic structure are ancient …   This message was sent by Google […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Analysis of ellipsis from a functional-cognitive paradigm M Abbasova … There is also a verb to work in the Azerbaijani language, but this verb is different from the word to work, it corresponds more to the meaning of “making an effort”. Both verbs express different attitudes towards work in two related languages. Thus, these … […]

azerbaijani “natural language processing” – new results

[PDF] BEKARYSTANKYZY AKBAYAN O Mamyrbayev – 2023 … In was implemented an ASR using an Azerbaijani speech dataset for emergency call centers. Here authors used 27 hours of dialogue dataset and … This chapter reviews the most important concepts about agglutinative languages, natural …   This message was sent by Google Scholar because you’re following new […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] BEKARYSTANKYZY AKBAYAN O Mamyrbayev – 2023 Relevance of the research topic. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems are nowadays widely used in different areas of human life, in order to make it easy for people to interact with computer systems and different applications. For example …   This message was sent by Google Scholar because you’re […]

azerbaijani “machine translation” – new results

[PDF] MASTERING MACHINE AND COMPUTER-ASSISTED TRANSLATION H ALISOY … Today, Google Translate has transitioned to a more advanced form of machine translation, known as Neural Machine Translation (NMT), … First, use DeepL to translate the following paragraph from English to Azerbaijani: “The rapid growth of …   This message was sent by Google Scholar because you’re […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, AND CULTURAL RELATIONS BETWEEN AZERBAIJAN AND POLAND (1991-2021) S Mammadli – HISTORICAL SCIENCES … The Azerbaijani Embassy in Poland and the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan collaborated to create a textbook on Azerbaijani language for Warsaw University, to enhance cooperation in science and education [3, p. 314]. A fund for Azerbaijani …   This […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Naylaram Ul Jannati, Ichinda Dildor Bo 'Lmasa R Abdullaev – EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN …, 2023 “NAYLARAM UL JANNATI, ICHINDA DILDOR BO‘LMASA ” Page 1 European Journal of Innovation in Nonformal Education inovatus.es/index.php/ejine Volume 3, No 10 | Oct – 2023 | Page | 16 European Journal of Innovation in …   This message was sent […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] Comparison of LR, NB and SVM Techniques on Sentiment Analysis of Azerbaijani Texts M Rasul … , Azerbaijani language lacks the language corpus which makes it harder to build generalized models. Also, there are not any libraries like NLTK and BERT for Azerbaijani language, … of language corpus for Azerbaijani Language, which …   This […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] AN ANALYSIS OF THE CREATIVE WORKS OF THE DISTINGUISHED SYRIAN WRITER GHADA AL-SAMMAN IN THE CONTEXT OF AZERBAIJANI LITERATURE TA Mehdiyeva – ВЧЕНІ ЗАПИСКИ … The translation and scholarly exploration of Ghada Al-Samman’s works into Azerbaijani language hold particular importance from this perspective. In discussing indirect relations, parallels between Ghada Al-Samman’s creative output and … Traditional […]

“azerbaijani language” – new results

[PDF] The role of intonation in developing expressive reading skills аnd prosody in elementary grades MM Abdullayeva – 2023 … It exemplifies fragments from literary works within the elementary-level “Azerbaijani Language” … of expressive reading within Azerbaijani language classes. It is noteworthy to acknowledge that the Azerbaijani language, with its venerable written … [PDF] WORD, CONCEPT […]

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