The Physics of Climate Change

The news is full of hotly debated and divergent claims about the impacts and risks of climate change. The Physics of Climate Change provides a clear, accurate and accessible perspective of climate science and the risks of global inaction. Krauss’s narrative explores the history of how scientists progressed to our current understanding of the Earth’s climate and its future. Its generous complement of informative diagrams and illustrations allows readers to assess which climate predictions are securely based on analysis of empirical data, and which are more speculative.

Kitabın adı/Title: The Physics of Climate Change

Müəllif/Author: Lawrence M. Krauss

Tarix/Date: 5 dekabr, 2021, 17:00 (CET) | December 5, 2021, 17:00 (CET)

Müzakirə dili | Discussions in: İngilis, Azərbaycan (ikidilli) | English, Azerbaijani (bilingual)

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